
Showing posts from March, 2022

Types of Binders Chain - Choosing the Right Binders

The binder chains are manufactured with high tensile strength, which is extensively used for tying down and tightening the chains covering the cargo. The leading binder chain manufacturers in china produce countless variants of these chains that are everyday essentials for moving heavy goods. These binder chains ensure the safety of the goods that are being transported and available in different sizes, styles, load limits to meet your needs.  The most commonly asked question about chain binders is "how much do they weigh?". The weight of chain binders generally varies with the type and brand you are using. But generally speaking, the average weight of chain binders can range from 3.5 Lbs to 20 Lbs. Of course, the longer the chain gets, the heavier it becomes.  Types of chain binders  Depending on the chief purpose of the binder chains, there are two principle binder chain types, namely, ratchet-style and lever style. However, even though the function of these two is...